Release 6.0
Reducing the noise...
One of our goals with this release is to provide a cleaner Home view.
The first time you start version 6.x, you will be asked to choose a view mode. View modes are a way to help you focus on the tasks which are most relevant for you, as a PCB designer, assembly engineer, test engineer, or whatever. This is done by hiding (in the Home view) those product types and editor modules which are outside of your chosen focus area. Hidden products can easily be made visible with the View mode button at the top of the folders; and hidden modules are always accessible from the Operations menu.
We have also created a separate application, Macaos Enterprise for Purchasers, for those who do not need any of the ME for Engineers product creation/editor features. ME for Purchasers gives a simple overview of order and shipment activity, with easy access to status and documentation, and full support for quotations and placing orders.
Product browser
Use the Ignore view mode button (at right, above folder list) to show products that would normally be hidden in the current view mode.
Right-click on a product to add it to the Shopping list or to a user-defined folder. Products in the Shopping list folder are shown to users (from your company) who use Macaos Enterprise for Purchasers, in it's Activity Overview pane.
Several functions which previously were accessed by right-clicking on a product have been moved to the product Specifications tab, including:
- PDF documents (stackup diagram, panel diagram, layout document set)
- Product modification (edit product, create variant)
- Product sharing (add, edit, delete)
It is now possible to select multiple products for the following right-click operations:
- Add to shopping list
- Add to user folder
- Toggle "On hold"
- Remove from all folders (to wastebasket)
Quotations and the Shopping cart
We have redesigned the modules for getting price quotations and for the shopping cart.
Quotations for the selected product are accessed through the Quotation tab. There is also a new button for generating an RFQ. The interface for modifying product properties when getting prices (for PCB products) has been redesigned.
The Shopping cart displays at the bottom of the Home view (when visible). You may need to expand the size of your Home view window, if the cart covers other important information.
PCB Import module
Alternate colors for prototypes: In the Configure|Options module, you can specify your preferred default values for surface finish, solder mask color, and legend color. It is now possible specify separate values of these properties for prototype boards. When importing a board, use the Actions|Make prototype command to specify the prototype properties instead of the default properties, as well as to add the word Prototype to the product description.
Flex cover layer color: It is now possible to specify the color for flexible cover layer. The choices are Natural (Yellow), Black, White and Other.
Sprint test fixtures
The test fixture module has been redesigned to support Sprint test fixtures only. A Sprint test fixture is delivered as an assembled combination of fixture plate, cover plate, test interface board (TIB) PCB, and test pins. This simplifies the design process (particularly in the Z-dimension). It is also possible to select a rear edge connector for the TIB. To help with designing the TIB, the TIB outline and hole placements may be exported as a Gerber or DXF file, for import into your CAD system.
Note: If you need to design a custom test fixture, or a test fixture for one of the previously supported jig types, use the Operations|Test fixture (legacy modules) command.
Additional new features
Buttons at the top of the Recent activity list may be used to filter the list by event type or by user.
It is now possible to indicate that fiducial marks should be etched on both sides of a solder past stencil.