The User manager allows users with administrator privileges to view and modify their company's user profiles.
All users are listed, with their contact info and access privileges. If the Hide disabled users box is checked, then users without any access privileges are not shown.
- View/edit user: You can view or edit the profile of any user by double-clicking on a user in the list, by right-clicking and selecting Edit user info, or by selecting the user and clicking on the Edit button. This opens the User info module.
- Add user (with existing user as template): Select a user and then click the Add button or right-click and select Create new user. This opens the User info module with the same address and access privileges as the selected user. After entering the remaining contact info, click on the OK button to create the user and send them a mail with download info.
- Disable users: Select one or more users and then click the Disable button or right-click and select Disable user. This will remove all access privileges for the selected user(s).
To change your own password, click the Change my password button.
Creating multiple users
Select a user and click the Add many button, or right-click on an existing user and select Create multiple users to open multiple user creation utility.
By default, the utility is filled in with the same address and access privileges as the selected user. (If no user is selected, then the first user in the list will be used as a template.)
For each user you wish to create, enter their name, email address and phone number, then click on the Add user button. The new user is added to the list of users to create.
Click on the Create users button to create all of the new users, with the address and privileges specified (when the Create users button is clicked). An email will be sent to each user with login and download info.
Company settings
You can also edit the following properties of your company:
- Company name: Enter the correct name. Note: This will only change the company name as used by Macaos. You should also contact your supplier to inform them of changes to your company.
- Do not allow Macaos to create new users for this company: When a person requests a Macaos Enterprise license from the Macaos web site, the Macaos Team verifies that the person is a valid representative of the company. If in doubt, the company will be contacted for verification before a license is created. If, however, you want complete control over users connected to your company, then set a check mark here. While this property is set, the Macaos Team will ignore all license requests for your company.
Click on the Save company settings button to save changes.