Connector Chooser
Browse among a wide selection of common connector families.
Order History
Displays an overview of the company's order history, with statistics.
Partner Manager
Manage the companies that may share products with your company.
PCBA Components
Browse the component list of a PCBA product.
Product Buildup Viewer
Displays an annotated view of a PCB product's layer buildup.
Product History
Lists the quotation, order, shipment, invoice, and production history for a product.
Product Specifications Viewer
Displays a list of product specifications.
Product Viewer
Displays a product graphically.
Note: Some product types do not use the Product Viewer module. Mechanical parts are displayed in a 3D viewer, described in the Mechanical Parts module. Off-the-shelf products are typically shown as a photograph or technical drawing.
Get online quotations for a product, and (if desired) add the product to the Shopping Cart.
A module for extended product search.
Shopping Cart
Lists products selected for purchase. Specify ship/invoice addresses and place an order.
User Details
View and edit user profile.
User Manager
View and edit your company's user profiles and access rights.
Note: The User Manager may only be accessed by company administrators.