Component list
The component list has three levels:
- The component class (resistor, capacitor, connector, etc.).
- The component (a single part number). When displaying a component, you can view the properties which apply to all instances of that component.
- The component instance (at a specific location). When viewing a component instance, you can also view the PnP coordinates, rotation and placement status of that instance.
Clicking on a component or instance displays its properties.
Green check marks indicate that the component's BOM properties have been approved for manufacture.
Blue check marks indicate that the component's instance and assembly properties have been approved for manufacture.
Each component instance in the list displays an icon which indicates it's mounting process (surface mount, through-hole, not installed, or fiducial). The icon also indicates whether the component is to be mounted on the top or bottom layer.
Filtering the list
To search for a component in the list, type the designator in the text box at the bottom of the component list. It is also possible to enter a range of designators, such as C13-C25. The tree buttons may be used to expand or collapse the component list. The Exclude from list buttons may be used to hide components which are approved or have a specific placement status.
The summary lists component counts for each mounting process.