If you have bare-board test pad data (in IPC-D-356 format) available for the Device Under Test (DUT), this should be imported to the product prior to creating a test fixture. Test pad data can either be imported when the product is initially created in the Import module, or it can be imported to an existing product in the Assembly Data Manager. Each time a test pin is created, if a test pad exists at that location then the signal name, designator and pin number will automatically be extracted from the test pad for use with the test pin being created.
As pins are added to a test fixture, information is added to three “layers”:
- A pad with the hole diameter is added to the Test fixture lower or Test fixture upper layer.
- A symbol and text are added to the Test fixture drawing layer. For test pins the symbol represents the receptacle style: ▼ = R50, × = R75, + = R100, □ = R125, ▲ = R156, and the text indicates the pin head style (if specified). For other pins, the symbol is a large cross, and the text is: G = guide pin, S = support pin, P = press pin, C = test circuitry support pin. For an activation switch, the symbol is a square surrounding a circle, with the letter A.
- For test pins only, a cross and the Des:Pin or Signal name text are added to the Test fixture annotation layer.
For best results, a DUT should be rotated so that the long dimension is the X dimension.